Friday, August 21, 2009

Hello Faith!

Hello faith! I love that place! It's a good thing you made eating your hobby because you won't ever run out of new things to try in Singapore.

I've been to Singapore only once in 2006 and for around 3-4 days lang ata. But I made good use of my time there visiting NUS, SMU, Ministry of Sound and more. I haven't been to Lucky Plaza though.

I love it not because of the advanced state it's in. I am amazed at how several cultures can come together in one rocky outcrop and make it a financial center for the region (maybe the world once London falls).

There's so much food to eat, and all different kinds and flavors! Look at faith's blog to see what I'm talking about (although I would prefer eat instead of see).

Little India is one of the funnest places I've been, though I think I missed the Deepavali event there by a few days.

Anyway go and check it out!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you thank you for the plug =) Haha yeah sometimes things get mundane here so I decided to pick up a hobby =P

    If you visit again I will feed you frog legs! =P
